The UC Berkeley Representation theory and tensor categories seminar
Spring 2025 - Tuesday 2:10pm - 3:30pm, Evans 939
Organizers: Vera Serganova, Ilia Nekrasov, and Alexandra Utiralova

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DATE SPEAKER TITLE (click to show abstract)
January 21 Nicolai Reshetikhin , UC Berkeley and BIMSA
Invariants of tangles with a flat connection in the complement I. Abstract: The construction of these invariants based on properties of quantum groups at roots of unity and it was proposed in a joint work with R. Kashaev. It is related to homotopy quantum field theory by V. Turaev. In this talk, I will recall the construction of these invariants, and I will explain why Poisson structures on the center of quantum groups at a root of unity that appear are natural from the geometry of flat connections in the complement to a tangle.
January 28 No seminar
February 4 Nicolai Reshetikhin , UC Berkeley and BIMSA
Invariants of tangles with a flat connection in the complement II.

Continuation of the previous talk.

Abstract: The construction of these invariants based on properties of quantum groups at roots of unity and it was proposed in a joint work with R. Kashaev. It is related to homotopy quantum field theory by V. Turaev. In this talk, I will recall the construction of these invariants, and I will explain why Poisson structures on the center of quantum groups at a root of unity that appear are natural from the geometry of flat connections in the complement to a tangle.

February 11 Christian Gaetz, UC Berkeley
SL(n) web bases from hourglass plabic graphs Abstract: The SL(3) web basis is a special diagrammatic basis for certain spaces of tensor invariants developed in the late 90’s by Kuperberg as a tool for computing quantum link invariants. Since then this basis has found connections and applications to cluster algebras, dimer models, quantum topology, and tableau combinatorics. A main open problem has remained: how to find a basis replicating the desirable properties of this basis for SL(4) and beyond? I will describe joint work with Oliver Pechenik, Stephan Pfannerer, Jessica Striker, and Josh Swanson in which we construct such a basis for SL(4). Modified versions of plabic graphs and the six-vertex model and new tableau combinatorics will appear along the way.
February 18 Maria Gorelik, Weizmann Institute and Vladimir Hinich, University of Haifa
On the centre of a universal enveloping superalgebra Abstract: In contrast to semisimple Lie algebras the centre of a universal enveloping superalgebra is not a Noetherian ring. A popular example is the ring of supersymmetric polynomials. In this talk we will discuss several properties of this centre. We use the technique similar to Beilinson-Bernstein localization, presenting this ring as the global sections of a structure sheaf on a ringed space which is not an algebraic variety.
February 25 Ilia Nekrasov, UC Berkeley
The dichotomy between Model Theory and Tensor Categories Abstract: First, I will briefly remind you of the construction of tensor categories from oligomorphic groups (developed by A. Snowden and N.Harman). And then I will explain how to leverage the dichotomy between model-theoretic notions and their categorical counterparts. In particular, I will explain
(a) how distal structures naturally arise in our (tensor-categorical) context and
(b) where to look for model-theoretic analogs of tensor functors.
Everyone is welcome! Logicians and model theorists are insistently invited.
March 4 Dmytro Matvieievskyi, Kavli IMPU
Spherical unitary dual via quantized symplectic sungularities Abstract: Let G be a complex reductive algebraic group. Describing the spherical unitary dual of G is an old and classical important problem in representation theory. In this talk I will explain some ideas of how to approach this question by quantizing symplectic singularities, namely nilpotent coadjoint orbit closures and their suitable generalizations. This is an ongoing project with Ivan Losev and Lucas Mason-Brown.
March 11 Peng Zhou, UC Berkeley
Cutting-and-gluing in categorified representation theory Abstract: Khovanov-Lauda and Rouquier initiated the higher representation program, by categorifying (the negative part) U_q(g)^- to a monoidal category U. In this talk, I will first give a symplectic geometric realization of this monoidal category (, then explain how to take tensor product of two monoidal module categories by study a 'disk with three stops'. This is work in progress joint with Mina Aganagic, Elise LePage, Yixuan Li.
March 18
March 25 Spring Recess
April 1
April 8
April 15 Monica Vazirani, UC Davis
April 22 Agustina Czenky, USC
April 29 Pablo S. Ocal, OIST
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