The UC Berkeley Representation theory and tensor categories seminar
Fall 2024 - Tuesday 2:10pm - 3:30pm, Evans 939
Organizers: Vera Serganova, Ilia Nekrasov, and Alexandra Utiralova

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DATE SPEAKER TITLE (click to show abstract)
September 3 Ilia Nekrasov , UC Berkeley
Oligomorphic Tensor Categories I Abstract: Let me introduce you to a new kind of tensor categories in this crash-course (2 talks at the seminar). These categories provide a plethora of new unexpected examples and connections to other fields.

The process of cooking up such a category consists of three steps:

1. Take an oligomorphic group \(G\) and construct a category G-hat-Sets of sets with infinitesimal \(G\)-action;

2. Construct a measure \(\mu\) on this category (each such set is given a measure, a number);

3. Construct a tensor category \(Perm(G, \mu)\).

In the first lecture, I will explain how the topology of oligomorphic groups produces G-hat-Sets and how to get \(Perm(G, \mu)\) (focus is on 1 and 3). The second lecture* will be about measures (focus is on 2).

The story is close to many areas: rep. theory, category theory, model theory, topological groups, \(C^*\)-algebras, and combinatorics. Everyone is warmly welcomed!

*The open problems of the second lecture are accessible to grad.students. Happy to chat after!

September 10 Ilia Nekrasov, UC Berkeley
Oligomorphic Tensor Categories II Abstract: Let me introduce you to a new kind of tensor categories in this crash-course (2 talks at the seminar). These categories provide a plethora of new unexpected examples and connections to other fields.

The process of cooking up such a category consists of three steps:

1. Take an oligomorphic group \(G\) and construct a category G-hat-Sets of sets with infinitesimal \(G\)-action;

2. Construct a measure \(\mu\) on this category (each such set is given a measure, a number);

3. Construct a tensor category \(Perm(G, \mu)\).

In the first lecture, I will explain how the topology of oligomorphic groups produces G-hat-Sets and how to get \(Perm(G, \mu)\) (focus is on 1 and 3). The second lecture* will be about measures (focus is on 2).

The story is close to many areas: rep. theory, category theory, model theory, topological groups, \(C^*\)-algebras, and combinatorics. Everyone is warmly welcomed!

*The open problems of the second lecture are accessible to grad.students. Happy to chat after!

September 11 (Wednesday) 3PM-4:30PM. Anton Alekseev , University of Geneva
BV structures on moduli of flat connections and the Lie supergroup Q(N)

Abstract: Let \(G\) be a Lie group with Lie algebra \(Lie(G)\) carrying an invariant scalar product (e.g. \(G\) a semisimple Lie group with the Killing form on \(Lie(G)\)), and \(S\) be a compact 2-dimensional oriented manifold. It is a classical result of Atiyah-Bott that the moduli space of flat connections \(M(S, G)\) carries a canonical Poisson structure. Goldman defined a Lie bracket on the space \(F(S)\) of free homotopy classes of loops on \(S\), and a Lie algebra homomorphisms \(p_N\) from \(F(S)\) to functions on \(M(S, GL(N))\). The maps \(p_N\) are surjective for all \(N\), and the intersection of their kernels is trivial.

In this talk, we will discuss moduli spaces \(M(S, G)\) for \(G\) being a Lie supergroup with an odd invariant scalar product on the Lie superalgebra \(Lie(G)\). In this case, we show that \(M(S,G)\) carries a canonical Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) structure. Furthermore, for the Lie supergroup \(Q(N)\) we construct a counterpart \(q_N\) of the Goldman map using the odd trace on \(Q(N)\). The maps \(q_N\) are BV maps, and we show that \(q_1\) is surjective (if one adds odd determinant functions). The surjectivity question for \(N>1\) and the injectivity question remain open.

The talk is based on a joint work with F. Naef. J. Pulmann, and P. Severa.

September 17 Alexandra Utiralova, UC Berkeley
Representations of the general linear group in the Verlinde category.

Abstract: Verlinde categories \(Ver_p\) are defined as the semisimplification of the category of representations of \(\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z\) in characteristic \(p\). As shown by Coulembier, Etingof and Ostrik in arXiv:2107.02372, these categories play the role of the target category for the fiber functor for a large class of symmetric tensor categories (Frobenius exact, of moderate growth) in char \(p\) (usually played by the category of super vector spaces in char \(0\)).

Consequently, Tannakian reconstruction tells us that any category with a fiber functor to \(Ver_p\) (and hence any Frobenius exact category of moderate growth) is equivalent to the category of representations of some group scheme in \(Ver_p\).

I will talk about the classification of representations of the general linear group \(GL(X)\) for \(X\in Ver_p\) and the related combinatorics.

September 24 Catharina Stroppel, University of Bonn
Semistrict monoidal 2-categories from chain complexes of Soergel bimodules, braidings and dg-centralizers Abstract:

Braided monoidal categories are in many ways crucial player in representation theory. Whereas they are quite easy to understand and show up everywhere, this is not the case for braided monoidal 2-categories. They should however arise as categorifications of braided monoidal categories. The goal of this talk is to give an idea what a monoidal 2-category is with the main example given by Soergel bimodules. The motivation of this construction comes from (quantum) Schur-Weyl duality.

We will address the problem of strictness and illustrate why it is difficult to find concrete examples by showing what kind of structure has to be provided. We will shortly discuss the notion of semistrict monoidal 2-categories following Kapranov-Voevodsky, Baez-Neuchl, Crans and address the question why Soergel bimodules do not provide an example. But will also discuss a possible fix. Finally we address the difficulty of braidings on 2-categories and indicate roughly how to construct a braided monoidal 2-category using Soergel bimodules.

October 1
October 8 Cris Negron, University of Southern California
Quantum Frobenius kernels at arbitrary roots of 1 Abstract: I will discuss constructions of quantum Frobenius kernels at (completely) arbitrary roots of 1. As one output, we associate a finite-dimensional (non-semisimple) modular tensor category to any pairing of a simply-connected reductive algebraic group with an even order root of 1. I will explain the field theoretic motivations for this work, where quantum groups at "bad" roots of unity appear naturally.
October 15 Vera Serganova, UC Berkeley
Tensor triangular geometry for finite groups and algebraic supergroups.

Abstract: There is a way to associate a topological space (Balmer spectrum) to a tensor triangulated category. This notion is similar to the spectrum of prime ideals in algebraic geometry. I will start with the definition of the Balmer spectrum and discuss its connection with cohomological support variety.

Then we consider two examples: stable categories of representations of finite groups in positive characteristic and quasireductive algebraic supergroups over C.

The second part of the talk is based on a joint work with J. Pevtsova and A. Sherman.

October 22 Theo Johnson-Freyd , Dalhousie University
The homotopy groups of a TQFT Abstract: To any open-closed TQFT (possibly framed, possibly not fully extended, possibly not compact) I associate a sequence of Hopf algebras that I interpret as "homotopy groups" of the "quantum target space" of the TQFT --- the interpretation is justified because when the TQFT does come from a sigma model into some target space, then these Hopf algebras encode the homotopy groups of the target space. To any relative open-closed TQFT, I associate a long exact sequence of Hopf algebras --- I interpret this as the "Puppe sequence" for a "quantum fibre bundle". Every tensor higher category is expected to determine an open-closed TQFT; my Hopf algebras generalize the canonical Hopf algebra object in any braided fusion category. Exactness of the Puppe sequence in this case gives a version of S-matrix theory for tensor higher categories, relating (non)degeneracy of Hopf links with Morita (non)invertibility. This talk is based on joint work in preparation with David Reutter.
October 29 Eric Jankowski, UC Berkeley
The Super Combinatorics of Toric Supervarieties Abstract:

A toric variety is an (irreducible, normal) algebraic variety \(X\) equipped with an action of an algebraic torus \(T\) and a \(T\)-equivariant open immersion \(T \to X\). The category of toric varieties is equivalent to that of polyhedral fans, inducing a rich interplay between algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

Borrowing the notion of quasitoral supergroups ("supertori") from super representation theory, I will describe a natural generalization of toric varieties wherein \(T\) is replaced by a supertorus. These "toric supervarieties" admit an analogous combinatorial description via decorated fans. I will illustrate this equivalence of categories and show how geometric information can be obtained from the fans and their decorations. Many pictures will be drawn, some worse than others.

November 5 Kent Vashaw , UCLA
Group actions in noncommutative tensor-triangular geometry Abstract: The Balmer spectrum of a (possibly noncommutative) rigid monoidal triangulated category is the universal locus of support varieties; when the monoidal product is commutative, the category has a thick generator, or the principal ideals satisfy a descending chain condition, then the Balmer spectrum parametrizes the thick tensor ideals. When a group G acts on a monoidal triangulated category, natural objects of study include (1) the G-Balmer spectrum, (2) the spectrum of the crossed product category, and (3) the spectrum of the equivariantization. We will discuss conditions under which these three constructions coincide. We will illustrate the theory with examples arising from derived categories of schemes and stable categories of finite tensor categories, including a pathological example of a situation where the Thomason-closed subsets of the Balmer spectrum are not in bijection with the thick ideals of the category.
November 12 Sam Miller, UCSC
Endotrivial complexes and the geometry of permutation modules Abstract: Let \(G\) be a finite group and \(k\) a field of characteristic \(p > 0\). The work of Balmer and Gallauer in recent years has illuminated much about the bounded homotopy category of \(p\)-permutation modules, \(K^b(p\operatorname{-perm}(kG))\), a tensor-triangulated category that is fundamentally linked with Broue's abelian defect group conjecture, along with cohomological Mackey functors and Artin motives. The Balmer spectrum of this category is controlled by the Balmer spectrum of derived module categories of "\(p\)-local subgroups" via modular fixed-points functors - an example of "local-to-global" behavior in the modular representation theory of finite groups. I will discuss the geometry of this category, its place in the abelian defect group conjecture, and the classification of the invertible objects, endotrivial complexes, of this category. If time permits, I will discuss joint ongoing work with Balmer and Gallauer where we seek to understand the Picard group geometrically.
November 19 Nicolle González, UC Berkeley
Representations of the double Dyck path algebra and beyond Abstract: Abstract: The double Dyck path algebra \(B_{q,t}\) originally arose combinatorially in the proof of the Shuffle theorem of Carlsson-Mellit and later geometrically in the work of Carlsson-Gorsky-Mellit. Conceptually, \(B_{q,t}\) is built from an infinite quiver of affine Hecke algebras that are connected via raising and lowering operators. In this talk I will present joint work with Gorsky and Simental where we define and classify a large family of (semisimple) representations of this algebra. I will also discuss some work in progress which realizes the elliptic Hall algebra as a subalgebra of \(B_{q,t}\).
November 26
December 3
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