Full listing of all department members

Background image: Full listing of all department members
Name Job title Research area Role Research interests
Scott Mutchnik Graduate Student
David Nadler Professor Algebra, Geometry/Topology Senate Faculty

Geometric representation theory, symplectic geometry

Christian Natividad Graduate Advisor Staff
Ilia Nekrasov Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor Algebra Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor, Faculty

Representation theory, representation stability, tensor categories, oligomorphic groups, and ω-categorical structures.

John C. Neu Professor Emeritus Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Applied mathematics

Peiqi Nie Graduate Student
Xiaoyu Niu Graduate Student
John Nolan Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student

Algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, mathematical physics

Ronan O'Gorman Algebra, Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Andrew P. Ogg Professor Emeritus Algebra Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Number theory, Elliptic curves, Modular forms

Arthur E. Ogus Professor Emeritus Algebra, Geometry/Topology Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Algebraic geometry

Sung-Jin Oh Associate Professor Mathematical Analysis Senate Faculty

Partial differential equations, geometric analysis, mathematical physics

Yuji Okitani Algebra, Geometry/Topology Graduate Student
Noah Olander NSF Postdoctoral Fellow Algebra Faculty, Postdoc

Algebraic geometry; derived categories of algebraic varieties; positive characteristic geometry.

Martin Olsson Professor Algebra Officer, Chair, Senate Faculty

Algebraic and arithmetic geometry

Lewis Pan Applied Mathematics Graduate Student
Jacob Parish Mathematical Logic Graduate Student
Beresford N. Parlett Professor Emeritus Applied Mathematics Emeritus Faculty, Senate Faculty

Numerical analysis, Scientific computation

Alexander Paulin Associate Teaching Professor Algebra Senate Faculty

Number theory, p-adic automorphic forms

Alan Peng Graduate Student