David Gale

JOB TITLE: Professor Emeritus

Other DepartmentsEconomicsIndustrial Engineering and Operations Research

RESEARCH AREA: Applied Mathematics

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Geometry, Partial differential equations, Physics

UC In Memoriam biography

UC press release on his death (somewhat longer)

PhD students

Wikipedia page


  1. Ahmet Alkan and David Gale. Stable schedule matching under revealed preference. J. Econom. Theory, 112(2):289-306, 2003.
  2. A. Alkan and D. Gale. Stable schedule matching under revealed preference. In ICM2002GTA (Qingdao), pages 7-23. Qingdao Publ. House, Qingdao, 2002.
  3. David Gale. Review: A beautiful mind [Simon & Schuster, New York, 1998; MR 99j:01021] by S. Nasar; a beautiful mind [film, Universal Studios and Dreamworks LLC, 2001]; the essential john nash [Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2002; MR 2002k:01044]. Math. Intelligencer, 24(3):75-78, 2002.
  4. David Gale. The two-sided matching problem. Origin, development and current issues. Int. Game Theory Rev., 3(2-3):237-252, 2001. Special issue on operations research and game theory with economic and industrial applications (Chennai, 2000).
  5. David Gale. Tracking the automatic ant. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998. And other mathematical explorations, A collection of Mathematical Entertainments columns from The Mathematical Intelligencer.

David Gale