Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Research area:
Year Appointed: 1992
Retired: 2021
Office Hours: by appointment
Selected Publications:
- Chen, Tianbing and Strain, John (2008). Piecewise-polynomial discretization and Krylov-accelerated multigrid for elliptic interface problems. J. Comput. Phys. 227 No.16, 7503-7542. [MR] [GS?]
- Beale, J. Thomas and Strain, John (2008). Locally corrected semi-Lagrangian methods for Stokes flow with moving elastic interfaces. J. Comput. Phys. 227 No.8, 3896-3920. [MR] [GS?]
- Strain, John (2007). Locally-corrected spectral methods and overdetermined elliptic systems. J. Comput. Phys. 224 No.2, 1243-1254. [MR] [GS?]
- Vijalapura, Prashanth K. and Strain, John and Govindjee, Sanjay (2005). Fractional step methods for index-1 differential-algebraic equations. J. Comput. Phys. 203 No.1, 305-320. [MR] [GS?]
- Strain, John and Zworski, Maciej (2004). Growth of the zeta function for a quadratic map and the dimension of the Julia set. Nonlinearity 17 No.5, 1607-1622. [MR] [GS?]
Research interests:
Applied mathematics, Numerical analysis, Fast algorithms, Materials science