Frequently Asked Questions


General FAQs

Which math courses are offered in the Summer?

The Math Department offers Math 1A, 1B, 53, 54, 55, 104, 110, 113, 128A, and 185 every Summer Session C, in addition to other lower and upper-division courses.

How do I graduate with honors in the major?

To graduate with honors, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have a minimum 3.5 upper-division major GPA
  2. Have a minimum 3.3 UC GPA
  3. Write a thesis under Math 196 or take 2 graduate level math courses and earn an “A-” or better in each course

How many courses can I overlap with my minor?

You may overlap 1 upper-division course between a major and a minor.

More information regarding minors can be found here:

I want to double/triple major. How many courses can I overlap with my other major(s)?

There is no limit to the number of lower-division courses which can overlap between your two majors. However, a maximum of 2 upper-division courses can be counted towards both majors.

For more information regarding double majors and simultaneous degrees, please see:

Is there a deadline to declare?

The Math Department does not have a deadline for major declarations.

However, you would need be abide by the deadlines of the College of Letters & Science for declaring majors:

  1. Single major declarations: The College of Letters and Science will place a registration block on your next semester’s registration if you are undeclared and have 75 or more units (including in-progress units but not including high school exam credits).
  2. Double major declarations: The College of Letters and Science requires that you declare your double major at least one semester prior to your graduation term.
  3. Simultaneous major declarations: The College of Letters and Science requires that you declare your simultaneous degree at least two semesters prior to your graduation term.

Can I take graduate courses to satisfy upper-division Math requirements?

  • Math graduate courses can be used to satisfy the two Pure Math electives if offered for 3 or more units and taken for a letter-grade.
  • Math graduate courses can be used to satisfy Applied Math electives if offered for 3 or more units, taken for a letter grade, and approved by your faculty advisor as relevant to your Applied Math cluster.
  • Faculty advisor approval is required in order for Math graduate courses to be used for Pure Math semi-electives or Math or Applied Math core upper-division requirements.

How do I choose a cluster for the Applied Math major?

A cluster allows students to learn about areas in which Math can be applied. You are welcome to select a cluster that has been pre-approved. The list of pre-approved clusters can be found here. To complete the cluster component of the major, you must select three courses from the cluster list. If there is a course that you would like to take, but is not listed, please obtain written approval from a faculty advisor.

If you would like to create your own cluster, you are welcome to do so. However, you must obtain approval from a faculty advisor. Courses must be sufficiently mathematical, be at least 3 semester units, and have to come together under one unifying theme.

*Note: All Applied Math Majors are required to meet with a faculty advisor at least once in order to be eligible to graduate. The faculty advisor must provide written approval for a cluster, whether it is a pre-approved one or individual. Students should pick up a course approval form from outside 964 Evans Hall, see a faculty advisor during their office hours and have them sign the form, and return the form to one of the staff advisors in 964 or 965 Evans Hall.

Which courses will count as electives for the (Pure) Math major?

Besides the two semi-elective courses required for the Math major, students must take two other upper-division electives. The department automatically accepts Stat 134 (Concepts of Probability) and any 3 or more unit letter-graded upper-division or graduate Math courses.

Courses such as 197, 198, and 198BC which are offered only Pass/No Pass cannot count as electives, although Math 199 (although offered P/NP) can be used as a major elective if taken for 4 units and approved by one’s faculty advisor.

Courses offered outside of the Math department may be used as electives with the approval of a faculty advisor if they are 3 or more units and taken for a letter grade.

*Note: All Math Majors are required to meet with a faculty advisor at least once in order to be eligible to graduate. The faculty advisor must provide written approval for the electives. Students should pick up a course approval form from outside 964 Evans Hall, see a faculty advisor during their office hours and have them sign the form, and return the form to 964 or 965 Evans Hall.

Can I take courses elsewhere to substitute for Math/Applied Math major requirements? If so, how many?

Yes. There is no limit to the number of lower-division requirements that can be satisfied elsewhere.

Up to 4 non-Berkeley courses may be applied towards the 8 upper-division major requirements. The courses must be accepted by the UC Berkeley Admissions Office and accepted in writing by a Math faculty advisor. Each course must also be at least 4 quarter or 3 semester units. Moreover, your grade point average in those of the 8 upper-division major requirements which were taken at UC Berkeley must be 2.0 or higher by the time of graduation in order to use any non-Berkeley courses towards upper-division major requirements.

How do I know if any transfer courses I have taken can be used for the major or minor?

For lower-division courses please see question number 1.

For upper-division courses: When students declare the major, they are assigned to a faculty advisor. The faculty advisor may approve for a student to use a course from a different 4-year institution as long as the UC Berkeley Admissions Office has accepted the course for units and the course is at least 4 quarter or 3 semester units. The list of faculty advisors can be found here.

I am enrolled in my last prerequisite. Can I declare?

If you earned a "C" average in 1A-1B and minimum grades of "C" in two of 53, 54, 55, you may provisionally declare the major. The provision would be that you earn a "C" or better in the last lower-division requirement.

I received a C- in a prerequisite. Can I declare?

Students who do not automatically meet the requirements to declare the major are referred to the Head Major Advisor after first meeting with a staff advisor. Ultimately, the head major advisor will determine whether or not a student may declare.

I took a prerequisite and earned a P. Can I declare?

The classes used for major requirements need to be taken for a letter grade.

Does taking X11-X12 through UC Berkeley Extension fulfill Math 1A-B at UC Berkeley?

No, the Math Department has deemed UC Berkeley Extension’s X11 (Calculus 1) and X12 (Calculus 2) as not equivalent to Math 1A-B at UC Berkeley.

Note: Math XB1A-XB1B offered through the Fall Program for Freshmen are equivalent to Math 1A-B and are accepted as prerequisites for the Math/Applied Math major.

Extended question.

More about this question.

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If I took the AP Exam, A-Levels, IB, or courses at another college, can I waive out of the major prerequisite courses?

As per here are our policies for High School exam credits…

AP Credit:

  1. AP Math AB with a score of 3, 4, or 5 can be used for Math 1A.
  2. AP Math BC with a score of 5 can be used for Math 1A and 1B.


  1. A grade of B or better on the A-Level Math exam can be used for Math 1A.
  2. A grade of B or better on the A-Level Further Math exam can be used for Math 1A and 1B.

Singapore A-Levels:

  1. H1 can be used for Math 16A
  2. H2 can be used for Math 1A
  3. H2 Further Math can be used for Math 1A and 1B.

IB Math (Standard Level) SL: No Credit for Any Score

IB Math (Higher Level) HL, without calculus option: A score of 5, 6, or 7 can be used to satisfy Math 1A. No exemption for Math 1B.

IB Math (Higher Level) HL with Calculus Option: A score of 5, 6, or 7 can be used to satisfy Math 1A. A score of 7 can be used to satisfy Math 1A & Math 1B.

IB Math (Further Level) FL: A score of 7 can be used to satisfy Math 1A & Math 1B. A score of 6 can be used to satisfy Math 1A only.

If you took courses at a California community college you can determine whether those courses are equivalent to UC Berkeley courses using ( Courses taken at another 4-year institution or a community college outside of California need to be evaluated by the Math Department’s Course Equivalency advisor.


Undergraduate question
