At the bottom of this page is a list of downloadable PDF files of the available abstracts of the Fall 1999 Colloquium talks.
Fall 1999
Date | Speaker | Title |
September 2 | Richard E. Borcherds, UCB | Modular forms with singularities |
September 9 | Michel Broué, Université de Paris VII | Speculations about spetses |
September 16 | Chern lecturer: Yuri Manin, Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn | Counting rational points and rational curves: from Waring's problem to quantum cohomology |
September 23 | Susan Montgomery, University of Southern California | Classifying finite-dimensional semisimple Hopf algebras |
September 30 | Eva Tardos, Cornell University, visiting UCB | Approximation algorithms for some clustering problems |
October 7 | R. Parimala, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research | Zeros of quadratic forms over function fields of p-adic curves |
October 14 | James Demmel, UCB | Throwing away information for fun and profit |
October 21 | Yael Karshon, Hebrew University, visiting MSRI | Hamiltonian group actions |
October 28 | Steve Shkoller, UC Davis | Recent developments in the geometry of hydrodynamics |
November 4 | Margaret Wright, Bell Laboratories | What, if anything, is new in optimization? |
November 18 | Justin Roberts, University of Edinburgh | 6j-symbols and the tetrahedron |
November 25 | Justin Roberts, University of Edinburgh | 6j-symbols and the tetrahedron |
November 25 | Thanksgiving Holiday | |
December 2 | Richard Karp, UCB, MSRI, and ICSI | Algorithmic probabilistic graph theory |
The colloquium meets Thursdays at 4:10PM in 60 Evans Hall, except the Chern lecture on September 16, which takes place in Sibley Auditorium (Bechtel Hall), and the Bowen lectures, which take place in 10 Evans (November 9 & 11) and 50 Birge (November 10). Lectures last 50 minutes and are followed by a short question period. The mathematical public is cordially invited to attend.
Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr., Colloquium chair